15 October, 2018, Nagaland & MeghalayaIn observance of the International Day of Rural Women, a Women Farmers’ Convention was organised by NEN Nagaland at Chizami on 15th October 2018. 108 women farmers from Phek and Kohima districts of Nagaland came together to celebrate the lives of rural women,strengthen solidarity, and to deliberate on issues and…
4-5 October, 2018, Assam Mahila Kisan Adhikar Manch (Forest Rights Thematic Group) with its North East members conducted a consultation workshop to explore concerns/ issues of forest rights and women, in diverse context of the NER. The 2 days workshop at Guwahati brought together groups working with forest communities, activists, scholars who shared experiences, discussed…
2-3 August, 2018, Assam NEN in collaboration with Directorate of Social Welfare, Assam, organised a 2 days orientation workshop on ‘Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 and Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005’. 37 numbers of participants from 24 districts which included 18 district Social Welfare Officers,…
June, 2018, Assam NEN has started 3 Gramin Mahila Kendra in three districts of Assam namely Darrang, Kamrup(R) and Golaghat. The objective of opening the Kendras is to provide psycho-social counselling services to women facing violence and linking them with other referral services. These Kendras also aims to provide space for livelihood opportunities to disadvantaged…
25 April and 6 June, 2018, Assam NEN Assam in collaboration with Kalaigaon Girl’s High School, Kalaigaon Higher Secondary School and Bholabari High School in Udalguri and Navajyoti High Madrassa and AJM English School in Kokrajhar district organised 2 sensitisation workshops on issues of gender, masculinity and femininity and gender based discrimination for 122 school…
28-29 June, 2018, Assam A gender sensitisation workshop on ‘Violence against Women and PWDV Act 2005’ was organised for 37 women peer leaders from Darrang, Dhemaji, Golaghat, Kamrup, Kokrajhar, and Udalguri districts of Assam on 28th June and 2018. The workshop focused on understanding gender as a socialization Process, Patriarchy and systems of domination, Social…
25 May, 2018, Meghalaya A dialogue amongst stakeholders was organised towards Addressing Sexual Violence against Women and Children in Meghalaya on May 25th, 2018 at Hotel Poinisuk, Laitumkhrah. Representatives from Government, Non Government and CSWO shared their roles and challenges in addressing Sexual Violence. Departments and organisations who presented were State Commission for the Protection…
17-18 May, 2018, Meghalaya NEN Meghalaya, organised a 2 day exposure trip for the staff of 181 Women Helpline and the Out-Reach Workers of NEN. The participants visited 10 organisations in Shillong City that provide services to women and children namely: FIDU (Female Injecting Drug Users) Targeted Intervention- VHAM (Voluntary health Association Meghalaya); Lamjingshai; Childline;…
23 May, 2018, Meghalaya With regard to the research study, “Survivors’ Experience of Shelter Homes”, NEN Meghalaya organised a consultation meeting with various stakeholders on May 23, 2018 to discuss on issues related to addressing violence against women and the rehabilitative services that is provided to the women in the State. One of the objectives of the…
18 March & 5 April, 2018, Assam NEN Assam in collaboration with Assam Police organised a sensitisation workshop on ‘Women’s Safety in the Workplace and Legal Remedies’ with 70 female police personnel from ranks ranging from Sub-Inspector, Police Constable, Jr. Assistant, Home guard and Assistant Commissioners on 18th March, 2018. Similar workshop was also organised…