The glorious biodiversity of Nagaland was glimpsed at the Biodiversity Festival, under the theme “Celebrating Resilience of Biodiverse Community”. Held at Thetsumi Phek District, Nagaland, on 15th December, 2020, the Festival was organised as a collaboration between NEN, Thetsumi Women Society and SEWA Thetsumi Unit. The 105 participants had come together from the four khels…
Grassroots leaders are often placed far from mainstream or established institutions in-spite of being the backbone of every community. Women in rural areas especially have little or no access to such social securities due to lack of documents and information. To bridge this gap, NEN has been consistently building the capacity of women’s groups…
During Covid-19 , crimes against women and children have intensified locally as well as globally. To raise awareness on the issue, a Bike Rally was held within the city to spread awareness on Gender based Violence, on 5th December, 2020 in Shillong, Meghalaya. The rally was held as part of the 16Days Activism Campaign, by…
Come and be a part of this world wide campaign with us North East Network in the 16 Days of Activism and make a difference. If you want to know more about the 16 Days Activism campaign click on the link:…/take-action/16-days-of-activism #16daysofactivism2020 #GenderbasedViolence #OrangeTheWorld
North East Network annually celebrates the 16 Days Activism Campaign against Gender-Based Violence, a global movement to create mass awareness on ending violence against women and the marginalized population. This years’ theme is “Orange the World: Fund, Prevent, Respond, Collect!” Meghalaya a state that boasts about the matrilineal system with its myth of women holding…
“Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!” As part of the 16 Days Activism Campaign, we at North East Network are actively participating and organizing this campaign with full zeal and enthusiasm to make a difference in this society and end Gender-Based Violence. Join hands with us and be a part of this campaign that’s…
As nations across the globe imposed covid-19 induced lockdown urging its citizens to retreat to their homes to contain the virus. There is an alarming rise in violence against women worsening the existing violence and inequalities, following the preventive measures instituted in response to the pandemic. North East Network Nagaland is once again joining the…
Join hands with us as we go on this journey of the 16 Days Activism campaign against Gender-Based Violence Global Campaign. We at North East Network are quite excited and thrilled with this event and we will be engaging women and youth from the districts in various activities such as wall painting, graffiti art, poster…