With our aim and motive in mind to help women in the society, North east Network, Nagalnd had organized a one day training on Leadership Capacity Building Programme, which was held on the 7th of October, 2020 for Yimchun Berű Arihako Shamator Area (YBASA), a tribal women organisation based at Shamator, Tuensang District. We had…
A two day leadership Capacity Building Programme for SEWA Agevans was organised by North East Ntework Nagaland supported by SEWA Bharat. This programme was carried out in three districts of Nagaland namely: Kohima, Dimapur and Phek district on 30th September and 1st October 2020. A total of 28 SEWA Agevans attended the programme; 9 from…
Oh what a joyous month for us here at North East Network. We would like to inform you that @Seno Tsuhah Programme Director of North East Network was awarded the Peace Award 2020 by Peace Channel for her contribution and sacrifices in dealing with issues on Women Rights, Governance, Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Livelihood…
National Health Mission Government of Meghalaya, had organized an online sensitization on POCSO Act 2012 for all Nodal officers and counsellors working under National Health Mission. The training was conducted by Joy Grace Syiem, HR MANAGER of North East Network for the district officers of the Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) programme under NHM, Government…
The essential purpose of photography is communication. Few people take pictures solely to please themselves. Most of us take them because we want them seen by others. We wish or are compelled to inform, educate, entertain, reform, or share some experienced with others. North East Network celebrated World Photography Day on the 19th of August with…
North East Network Celebrates World Photography Day, with women weavers. Painting With Light. Presenting to you archives of women preserving traditional culture in this day and age. These women have been practicing this art of weaving for eons and are passing it down to the younger generation to carry it on forward.
Glimpses of my Life World Photography Day is celebrated on the 19th of August. On this day, people all around the world are encouraged to express themselves and communicate their feelings through the art of photography. Photographs have been long used to document history. Photographs provide us with a glimpse into the past and can…
12 August was first designated International Youth Day by the UN General Assembly in 1999, and serves as an annual celebration of the role of young women and men as essential partners in change, and an opportunity to raise awareness of challenges and problems facing the world’s youth The first World Youth Day, held on…
National Handloom day is celebrated on the 7th August, in honor of the handloom weavers and to create an awareness about the importance of the industry in socio development of the nation, also to revive the roots of handlooms and provide work to weavers. Most importantly, handlooms are environmentally friendly, and a viable way to…
Here’s presenting you with the Sixth brief in the series of findings of the rapid survey on #OneStopCentres conducted by 8 member organizations of Lam-Lynti Chittara Neralu (LCN) – national network on shelter homes! #AtHomeAtRisk_LCN #OneStopCentres are intended to support women affected by violence, in private and public spaces, within the family, community and at the workplace.…