On International Day of Rural Women, 15th October, 2021, NEN Meghalaya highlighted the women farmers’ contribution and participation to the society. We celebrated their contribution towards their families and the national economy, along with acknowledging their role as guardians of nutrition and food security of the community as a whole. NEN organised a Women Farmers’…
Committed to amplifying the stories and voices of rural women, North East Network (NEN) observed the IDRW on 15th October, which also coincides with the National Women Farmers’ Day, by bringing together government agencies, women organisations, village leaders, CBOs, NGOs and the general public in an interface with rural women at Phek Town. The theme…
A team of 20 participants consisting of 16 farmers and 4 NEN staff from 9 different communities from Nagaland, went on a training cum exposure trip to Pabhoi Greens, Pabhoi, Biswanath Chariali, Assam. The residential skill enhancement training on organic farming was held between 26th-30th September 2021, and was facilitated by the Pabhoi Greens Team.…
On 30th July 2021, 12 women farmers came together to sell fresh organic produce from their farms at the Farmers’ Market organised by NEN, Nagaland. The farmers were from 4 villages viz. Chizami, Enhulumi, Lower Khomi and Thetsumi under Phek district, Nagaland. It was a great reward for the team to get positive feedback from…
On 15th August 2021, Independence Day, NEN Assam received hygiene kits for rural school girls, from Oil India Ltd. (Pipeline Headquarters), Guwahati,. The kits were received from Sandip Goswami, Chief General Manager, Pipeline Sphere by Anurita P. Hazarika, State Coordinator, NEN (Assam) and Rashmirekha Borah, Associate Project Lead, NEN (Assam). This gesture was in recognition…
NEN Nagaland,organised the much awaited Farm School at Chizami on 17-18 August 2021. The 6th edition of the event provided 16 young participants a comprehension on the importance of sustainable farming practices wherein Traditional farming, soil health management were key topics discussed and shared. The theme “Bridging the Farm-To-Plate Gap” is to address the growing…
NEN Shillong organised an Online Interface with Meghalaya State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (MSCPCR) on 1st September 2021. The participants were the Outreach Workers (ORWs) of the APPI Project and NEN Staff. The main aim of the program was to familiarize the participants with the functions and role of MSCPCR, the services and…
Violence against women and domestic violence is never just a family issue or a local community issue, but a social and legal issue that needs to be addressed and redressed. Once COVID restrictions were relaxed in Meghalaya, our Outreach Workers from West Khasi Hills restarted their work to bring awareness on the issue. We were…
With COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent lockdown triggering unbridled cases of domestic violence across Meghalaya in 2020, this year too is no different with rising number of cases surfacing everyday, even while many go undetected. To provide help and assistance for women facing DV in Meghalaya, NEN has appointed Out Reach Workers in various areas of…
To strengthen gender perspectives for young boys and girls in Assam, a booklet “বৈষম্য় নহয়, সমতাহে” was released by North East Network on 25th August 2021, at Guwahati Press Club. The booklet has been authored by Rashmirekha Borah (PhD), Associate Project Lead, NEN, Assam, as a bid to fulfill a much needed gap of a…