Observation of International Day of the Girl Child: Assam

NEN documented the legacy of women leaders who had contributed significantly in the fields of history, literature, sports, freedom movement, performing arts, women’s rights, electoral politics, etc. The documentation was done by engaging 19 students from 5 districts. In these districts, NEN uses creative mediums to engage with young people on issues of gender equality.…

International Day of Rural Women , Assam

NEN observed International Rural Women’s Day in Dhemaji and Golaghat district of Assam on 15 October 2022 .The theme for this year was “Our seeds, our farm; towards food sovereignty”. In Golaghat, 80 grassroots women shared the importance of seed conservation and ownership over food and committed to work towards attaining food sovereignty for them and…

Interface and workshop on Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 and Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013: Assam

  NEN in collaboration with the District Social Welfare Office of Kamrup, Government of Assam conducted an Interface and Workshop on Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace, Domestic Violence and its legal remedies on 20 October 2022. The participants present in the workshop were stakeholders from Integrated Child Development Services(ICDS), One Stop Centre (OSC),…

Developing a Gender Equitable Perspective On Laws for Women – A Workshop for District Lawyers: Assam

To create a pool of feminist lawyers to make gender responsive services accessible to women, NEN identified a group of lawyers from 5 districts of Assam and conducted the first residential workshop at Guwahati on 26 and 27 November 2022. They were from Kamrup, Darrang, Golaghat and Dhemaji district and are largely working with the cases…

Assessment of climate change and its impact through Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) , Assam

Sessions on climate change and its impact on life and livelihood were conducted through Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), with 22 community women at Gramin Mahila Kendra by NEN at  Udalguri district on 9 June 2022, and with 40 women in Dhemaji district on 25 September 2022. “Problem Tree” was used as a tool to identify…

“Karwaan-Journey of Learning”, Goalpara and Golaghat districts, Assam

‘Karwaan – Journey of Learning’ was organized at Sanchalipara village in Goalpara district on 28 June 2022 and at Buragohainkhat in Golaghat district on 28 September 2022. In Goalpara which is a new district, NEN plans to work on issues of animal-human conflict, alternative sustainable livelihoods, and impact of climate change in the near future.…

“Towards a resilient future”-Workshop on Building Youth Leadership for Sustained Change, Assam

A 3-day workshop was conducted with a total of 30 youth from Dhemaji, Darrang, Udalguri, Kamrup and Golaghat districts from 14 to16 July 2022 . The workshop covered topics on deconstructing sex & gender, unpacking gender roles, understanding patriarchy, understanding gender based violence, patriarchy and climate crisis. Gaurab Talukdar, ex-fellow, Green Hub facilitated a session…

Observation of National Handloom Day, Assam 

National Handloom Day was observed on 7 August 2022 in  Gramin Mahila Kendras by NEN at Udalguri, Darrang, Kamrup and Sonitpur districts with weavers and women from villages. In Darrang, 35 weavers participated in the event. Jeevika Sakhi, Maikan Saikia and Village head, Joychandra Nath were invited as guests. In Udalguri, 28 weavers and 2…

Repair of Handlooms in 3 flood affected districts of Assam

North East Network has been building community resilience to address the pandemic and its effects on women and girls in Assam. NEN diversified livelihoods including weaving, farming and crafts for women which are critical to sustain our eco systems. Coupled with the effect of the pandemic, weavers also faced the wrath of severe floods in…