Incidents of violence against women is on a gradual rise in the State of Meghalaya. Recognizing the need to improve the healthcare provider’s capacity to response to VAW, NEN has been building the capacity of health care providers – student nurses, staff nurses and doctors on understanding Gender, VAW, legal and ethical role that they must play in responding to the same.
Continuing with our efforts, NEN Meghalaya conducted a ‘Gender Sensitization and Basic counseling’ training for 17 staff nurses of Civil Hospital Nongpoh, Ri-Bhoi District on March 11, 2021. The aim was to cultivate understanding about the prominence of their role as health care providers, realising the immediate attention that is required in supplementing the health care workers with the required knowledge and skills to assist survivors of abuse. Considering that the health care providers are the first point of contact for victims/survivors of violence, it is imperative that they inculcate a sensitive approach and response towards victims of violence. The training entailed in-depth understanding on VAW and its different forms, importance of incorporating basic counseling skills and assimilating the ability to identify signs and symptoms of trauma and respond to it.
The resource persons facilitated the sessions through group discussions, fun activities/exercises that helped the staff reflect upon their own trauma and experience to facilitate developing pragmatic response, display emotional understanding and empathy towards survivors. The training helped the health care workers in dividing their focus between providing medical assistance and the obscure emotional and psychological trauma of the victims. Taking into consideration, that some of the staff nurses have handled cases of VAW and children, and are aware of the legalities, this training further enhanced their understanding of the importance of addressing the emotional scars as well, apart from rendering physical aid, identifying symptoms and addressing it with utmost sensitivity.