Meluri Millet Sisters, in collaboration with Millet Network of India and NEN (Northeast Network) celebrated the 2nd Millet Festival on the theme ‘Celebrating common heritage for a shared, resilient future’ at Meluri Village Council Hall on August 31. The celebration was graced by SDAO Meluri, Phrumasie Nyuthe as a special guest. According to DIPR report,…
Li Cheh Kro Weavers’ Producer Company Limited Common Facility Centre (CFC), funded by NABARD and implemented by North East Network (NEN) was inaugurated at Chizami village, Phek on September 27.
A Cultural Interpretation Centre (CIC) was inaugurated at Chizami village in Phek district on November 23. The project ‘Cultural Interpretation Centre – Library & Museum (Phase II)’ was sanctioned under MPLAD fund (2018-2019) by Swapan Dasgupta, then Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha and implemented by North East Network (NEN).
Dr Theyiesinuo Keditsu, Assistant Professor at Kohima college, today called the weavers as ‘first working women’ in traditional societies, as they were the first to bring independent income outside their agricultural practices while articulating that the perception of not recognising rural women as workers because they donot have paid jobs needs to change.
Organised by North East Network (NEN) Nagaland, a two-day event to commemorate the International Day of Rural Women, ‘Confluence of Rural Women’ has started at Kohima on October 14.
Indigenous crops should be protected and its ‘purity’ maintained; adopt good cultivation practices, identify medicinal and high-yielding crops with indigenous methods as well as improvise it, said Temsuinla, Joint Director of State Agriculture Research Station, Yisemyong, Mokokchung.
In an effort to equip professionals working in the development sector in the North Eastern Region, North East Network (NEN) in collaboration with ‘Teaching Where It Matters’ began its journey on a 6 months Diploma in Permaculture- Designer and Educator from November 2022 to May 2023. A multidisciplinary outlook that is an ethically based, whole-system…
As a preparatory towards the International Year of Millet in 2023, millet festivals series has become an important platform to bond communities, to revive, promote and bring together various stakeholders in addressing the current challenge of our time such as. climate change, food security issues that our communities are facing or being impacted with. The…
As part of NEN’s initiate to diversify livelihood opportunities for youth and women across the state, besides providing training to women on leadership development, NEN has been constantly supported skill trainings in different parts of the state with the objective to professionalise the handloom tradition as well as to add value to the existing skills…
The 8th edition of NEN farm school (NFS) was held from 29th June to 3rd July, 2022 at NEN, Chizami. 14 participants from 4 states (Nagaland, Assam, Kerala and Mumbai) took part in the four days programme with the theme Bridging the Farm-To-Plate Gap. The programme is to engage young people with their environment and…