With our aim and motive in mind to help women in the society, North east Network, Nagalnd had organized a one day training on Leadership Capacity Building Programme, which was held on the 7th of October, 2020 for Yimchun Berű Arihako Shamator Area (YBASA), a tribal women organisation based at Shamator, Tuensang District. We had…
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on people from all over the world, regardless of class, caste, race, gender, and ethnicity. North East Network (NEN) has observed the adverse effects that the pandemic and the eventual lockdown have had in various districts of Assam. Women have suffered the worst of the worst because…
A two day leadership Capacity Building Programme for SEWA Agevans was organised by North East Ntework Nagaland supported by SEWA Bharat. This programme was carried out in three districts of Nagaland namely: Kohima, Dimapur and Phek district on 30th September and 1st October 2020. A total of 28 SEWA Agevans attended the programme; 9 from…
Here’s presenting you with the Summary of Findings in the series of findings of the rapid survey of #AthomeatRisk conducted by 8 member organizations of Lam-Lynti Chittara Neralu (LCN) – national network on shelter homes! #Shelter Homes #Survivors #NGO #Protection Officers #DSLA #One Stop Centers #Helplines #Summary of Findings
Oh what a joyous month for us here at North East Network. We would like to inform you that @Seno Tsuhah Programme Director of North East Network was awarded the Peace Award 2020 by Peace Channel for her contribution and sacrifices in dealing with issues on Women Rights, Governance, Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Livelihood…
North East Network has been a forefront in uplifting the status of a woman in all spheres regarding health and other female related issues. Recently, North East Network Nagaland in collaboration with the Chizami and Enhulumi Women Societies organized a one-day Health and Hygiene workshop at the respective villages with young adolescent girls between the…
With the aim to raise consciousness about and promote conservation of earth’s natural resources, encourage the sustainable use of earth’s limited natural resources, every year World Nature Conservation Day is observed on the 28th of July. The rampant destruction and exploitation of nature in India has brought upon unforgiving consequences for all. The ravaging floods…
Covid-19 no longer needs an introduction in our lives, its hit every corner of the globe leaving no stones unturned. The aftermath that came with it was way beyond belief. People started losing their jobs and sooner or later the economy will crash. We clearly understand that hunger was and will always be one of…
Join us for live session at 3 PM today to listen to young voices from North East India. Topic: We Rise, We Speak, We Resolve Young Voices of Resilience from North-East India Time: Sep 4, 2020 03:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/99793269585?pwd=MGlJdERTUkgwMUw3OUpZTFhPRzZUUT09 Meeting ID: 997 9326 9585 Passcode: 907169 #IfWeDoNotRise
The “if we do not rise” campaign is an initiative to safeguard constitutional values and principles. The Northeast Chapter of the campaign will be launched on 29 August and continue with different programmes till 5 September 2020. The campaign will cover the Voices of resistance of Activists, LGBTQAI community members, Human Rights Activists, Film Screening,…