Universal Health Coverage for North East India

Indigenous food systems, social solidarity and community-led public health systems Public Health in India is an issue that has reached crisis proportions and for the regions of the North East, whose marginalization has been historic, the crisis has intensified. Government efforts many a time are blanket policies that do not include local context and deny…

Interface programmes for NEN trained women leaders

As many as 130 NEN trained women leaders of Lumdiengjri, Madarithing and Mawryngkneng areas of Meghalaya came together for capacity building and interface programmes on 15th November and 7th & 13 December 2018. As part of capacity building and strengthening women’s groups in selected areas of East Khasi Hills district, North East Network, conducted 3 interface…

Capacity building of peer leaders and exposure visit to Chirang

19th-20th December, 2018 A team from NEN and peer leaders from six districts of Assam recently travelled to Chirang to experience firsthand community work done by the team of the Action Northeast Trust (ANT). The capacity building training cum exposure tour took place on 19th and 20th December at the ANT, Chirang. The team comprised…

Recognition of Rural Women Workers’ Contribution

Women are the backbone of every economy but often go unrecognized. As a part of strengthening women groups in East Khasi Hills, North East Network organised a programme on Recognition of Rural Women Workers’ Contribution to the Un-organised sector in Observance of International Human Rights Day on 10th December, 2018. The programme was held at…

Exposure Trip for 181 Helpline Staff

17-18 May, 2018, Meghalaya NEN Meghalaya, organised a 2 day exposure trip for the staff of 181 Women Helpline and the Out-Reach Workers of NEN. The participants visited 10 organisations in Shillong City that provide services to women and children namely: FIDU (Female Injecting Drug Users) Targeted Intervention- VHAM (Voluntary health Association Meghalaya); Lamjingshai; Childline;…

State-level Consultation to Strengthen Rehabilitative Services

23 May, 2018, Meghalaya With regard to the research study, “Survivors’ Experience of Shelter Homes”, NEN Meghalaya organised a consultation meeting with various stakeholders on May 23, 2018 to discuss on issues related to addressing violence against women and the rehabilitative services that is provided to the women in the State. One of the objectives of the…


29-30 May, 2017, Delhi Despite progressive social changes and laws, property rights for women in India as well South Asia remains discriminatory. Access, ownership and control over land and property plays important role in ensuring equality and social justice for women. Recognising this significance and gap 61 people from over 35 organisations, networks, unions and…