International Youth Day 2019 at Chizami
The youth have always been an integral part of NEN’s changemaking process as the future drivers of change. This year itself we have had major engagements with them through our gender sensitization programmes, the farm school that enabled urban youth to work towards sustainable agriculture and a puppeteering workshop that enabled them to take gender justice to their communities
This year, we celebrated the International Youth Day along with the rest of the world, at our Resource Centre in Chizami.

Over a hundred youths from five different communities from Chizami and Razeba Range participated in the event. 100+ youths came together to celebrate the event under the theme “Transforming Education- Relearning Human Values.” declared by the United Nations. The programme emphasised the need to make education more relevant, equitable, and inclusive for young people. Using this platform, ideas of gender equality was shared with the participants through a Film screening, addresses by the speakers and Information Education and Communication materials.
Highlights of the day included the display of artistic and creative skills through a talent competition. The youths competed in three different categories – Solo (western music), Quartet (Indigenous Folk Tunes) and Role Play basing on the theme through a gender equality lens. Seven groups participated in the various categories and had great fun doing so.

Ms Wekowe-u Tsuhah, Programmes Director, NEN Nagaland gave the keynote address where she shared the history of the International Youth Day as it began 20 years ago. She encouraged the youth to take up initiatives in their respective communities citing examples of youth that have taken initiatives to bring change in their communities and the world for motivation to the audience.
Ms Anuo Longo, Child Development and Protection Officer (CDPO) Chizami, our Guest Speaker on the occasion, shared the need for the youth to be more pro-active and to learn to seize opportunities. She also encouraged the youth to take up skill enhancement opportunities and taking her own example she encouraged the women and girls to take up roles that broke gender stereotypes.