29-30 May, 2017, Delhi
Despite progressive social changes and laws, property rights for women in India as well South Asia remains discriminatory. Access, ownership and control over land and property plays important role in ensuring equality and social justice for women. Recognising this significance and gap 61 people from over 35 organisations, networks, unions and groups across India came together on 29 & 30 May for a seminar on Women’s property rights. NEN was represented by Devyani Borkataki. She spoke about the north east context on the backdrop of multiple customary practices across communities and reflected on NEN’s strategies in enabling and safeguarding women’s collective access to property.
A hydra-headed collective campaign called #PropertyForHer was launched with ideas, inputs and promises from all the participants to carry it forward through their respective works at respective regions and communities.
Report : Property for Her_Seminar Report