North East Network (NEN) and Gramya Resource Centre for Women (GRCW), Hyderabad, supported the Nagaland Mahila Kisan Aadhikar Manch (MAKAAM) in organizing a 2-day capacity building workshop on Women Farmer Rights in Kohima on 29th and 30th April 2019. The aim of the workshop was understanding concepts of agro-ecology and sustainability, exploring and indentifying women farmers’…
Last week was an eventful one for the team. NEN Meghalaya organised a 2 days training for women weavers of Korstep Village in Ri-Bhoi district. The training which took place on 19th and 20th March 2019 was attended by almost 40 women weavers of the area. Furthermore, continuing our efforts to strengthen the movement against violence…
North East Network (NEN) has been building capacity of women’s groups and youth from rural areas in the districts of East, West and South West Khasi Hills and Ri Bhoi through various programmes, since 2016. Through these engagements, the participants have also expressed their concerns over lack of livelihood opportunities for them in rural areas.…
19th-20th December, 2018 A team from NEN and peer leaders from six districts of Assam recently travelled to Chirang to experience firsthand community work done by the team of the Action Northeast Trust (ANT). The capacity building training cum exposure tour took place on 19th and 20th December at the ANT, Chirang. The team comprised…
December 2018 The NEN Nagaland team worked tirelessly during December to bring the weavers of Chizami into the well deserved limelight. Chizami Weaves participated in the annual Hornbill Festival from Dec 1st-10th, 2018 at Kisama, Kohima. The products such as Cushion Covers, Table Runners, Shawls etc were put up for sale at the festival and were…
Women are the backbone of every economy but often go unrecognized. As a part of strengthening women groups in East Khasi Hills, North East Network organised a programme on Recognition of Rural Women Workers’ Contribution to the Un-organised sector in Observance of International Human Rights Day on 10th December, 2018. The programme was held at…
15 October, 2018, Nagaland & MeghalayaIn observance of the International Day of Rural Women, a Women Farmers’ Convention was organised by NEN Nagaland at Chizami on 15th October 2018. 108 women farmers from Phek and Kohima districts of Nagaland came together to celebrate the lives of rural women,strengthen solidarity, and to deliberate on issues and…
4-5 October, 2018, Assam Mahila Kisan Adhikar Manch (Forest Rights Thematic Group) with its North East members conducted a consultation workshop to explore concerns/ issues of forest rights and women, in diverse context of the NER. The 2 days workshop at Guwahati brought together groups working with forest communities, activists, scholars who shared experiences, discussed…
20 & 23 February, 2018, Meghalaya Focus Group Discussions on ESCP rights of women farmers were conducted in villages namely, Nonghali and Pawphlang of East Khasi Hills and South West Khasi Hills District respectively; with the objective of getting an in-depth understanding on the status of rural women in accessing their rights and entitlements; the…
15 October, 2017, Assam NEN Guwahati celebrated Women Farmers’ Day on the occasion of International Day of Rural Women on 15 October, 2017 at Okum Guest House, Dharikati in Sonitpur district. The objective was on emphasizing the important roles played by women in agriculture andrecognizing them as farmers and their rights. The programme could bring awareness to…