Women Farmers’ Rights- Training and Capacity Building Workshop at Kohima, Nagaland

North East Network (NEN) and Gramya Resource Centre for Women (GRCW), Hyderabad, supported the Nagaland Mahila Kisan Aadhikar Manch (MAKAAM) in organizing a 2-day capacity building workshop on Women Farmer Rights in Kohima on 29th and 30th April 2019.  The aim of the workshop was understanding concepts of agro-ecology and sustainability, exploring and indentifying women farmers’…

Capacity building of peer leaders and exposure visit to Chirang

19th-20th December, 2018 A team from NEN and peer leaders from six districts of Assam recently travelled to Chirang to experience firsthand community work done by the team of the Action Northeast Trust (ANT). The capacity building training cum exposure tour took place on 19th and 20th December at the ANT, Chirang. The team comprised…

Recognition of Rural Women Workers’ Contribution

Women are the backbone of every economy but often go unrecognized. As a part of strengthening women groups in East Khasi Hills, North East Network organised a programme on Recognition of Rural Women Workers’ Contribution to the Un-organised sector in Observance of International Human Rights Day on 10th December, 2018. The programme was held at…