Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Capacity building of peer leaders and exposure visit to ChirangNextNext post:Long Before #MeToo, Assam’s ‘Barefoot Counsellors’ Battled Rural Sexual ViolenceRelated PostsWorkshop on Menstrual Health and Hygiene for Youth Collectives and Peer Educators: AssamJune 2, 2023Activities for the 16 Days Activism!November 27, 2020Debate on ‘Youths’ responsibility in mitigating Violence Against Women and children especially during covid-19′: MeghalayaNovember 27, 202016 Days Activism!November 26, 202016 Days Campaign!November 25, 2020“REIMAGING A WORLD WITHOUT GENDER BASED VIOLENCE”November 25, 2020
Debate on ‘Youths’ responsibility in mitigating Violence Against Women and children especially during covid-19′: MeghalayaNovember 27, 2020