As nations across the globe imposed covid-19 induced lockdown urging its citizens to retreat to their homes to contain the virus. There is an alarming rise in violence against women worsening the existing violence and inequalities, following the preventive measures instituted in response to the pandemic.
North East Network Nagaland is once again joining the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign to voice out the injustice that prevails in our society. In support of the 16 days campaign, a pre-event Poster Drawing Competition was organized on 14th November 2020 under the theme “Reimaging a World without Gender-Based Violence”. The campaign is organized to create awareness on Gender-Based Violence and consequently, to inspire individuals to imagine and strive towards creating a world without Gender-Based Violence.
A total of 31 participants from Chizami, Phek, Pfutsero, and Kohima took part in the Poster Drawing Competition; 10 participants from Chizami, 7 from Pfutsero, 10 from Phek, and 4 participants from Kohima.
The winners of the competition are as follows:
· 1st place – Wulo Akami from Kohima
· 2nd place – Zulhizo-u Khupfu from Pfutsero
· 3rd place – Bode Swuro from Pfutsero
The consolation prize was awarded to – Pukhro Mero from Pfutsero and Dzuve Chizo from Phek.