13-15 September, 2016
The first phase capacity building training on women’s rights and governance for rural women leaders was organised by NEN at Hotel East Gate, Kohima, Nagaland during 13 to 15 September 2016. The training was participated by 25 grassroots women leaders from nine villages of Phek District, Nagaland.
The 3 days training was facilitated by NEN members Wekoweu Tsuhah, Hraveine David and Dolly Wotsa, and officials of State Resource Centre for Women (SRCW) Ms. Gracy Ayee and Ms. Vekhwüsalü Dawhuo.
NEN organised the same training for the 2nd batch of women leaders from the districts of Phek, Kiphire, Kohima and Dimapur between 5th – 7th October 2016. The training was attended by 20 women participants drawn from tribal women organizations and women workers’ Union. The 3 days training was facilitated by NEN members Wekoweu Tsuhah and Hraveine David, and representatives from the State Resource Centre for Women (SRCW) Ms. Vekhwüsalü Dawhuo & Ms. Veduokhonuo Cerina and Ms. Neiteu Koza, Panel Lawyer, Kohima District Legal Services Authority (KDLSA).
The content of the first phase training covered topics of:
• Gender, Violence Against Women and Women’s Rights
• Governance – Institutions, Rights and Entitlements
• Research and Documentation