In light of the largest global movement to end gender-based violence against women, encompassing those who identify as cisgender, transgender, and gender-fluid, the One Billion Rising campaign emerged as a call to action. The campaign started from the startling fact that 1/3 women worldwide are beaten, assaulted physically, or raped in their lifetime. In a concerted effort to raise awareness and inspire collective action, the Gramin Mahila Kendra of NEN Assam joined hands with No.2 Bagisa High School to mark the event on February 14, 2023, at Purabangla in Golaghat District. The event proved to be a resounding success with an array of engaging activities, such as games, singing, and poetry recitation, captivating the attention of the 100 participants, comprising students from classes IX and X, as well as their teachers. Discussions centred around crucial topics of gender equality, inspiring enthusiastic participation from all in attendance. The participants and teachers took turns singing classics from revered artists such as Bhupen Hazarika and Bishnu Rabha. To top it off, the students performed the traditional Jhumur dance, concluding with a prize distribution ceremony and an infectious group dance that brought everyone together.