As per the biology dictionary, “germination” refers to the process by which an organism grows from a seed or a spore. The most common forms of germination includes a seed sprouting to form a seedling and the formation of a spore-ling from a spore. Thus germination occurs primarily in plant and fungal species”.
Why Germination as an activity for children?
In today’s day and age, farming has become a secondary activity for many farmers and it is just a hobby for many, even though farming and food is the integral part of our lives. According to a rapid research, studies show that most children are unaware of how a tree bears fruit, when questioned. The most common answer we got was “We get fruits from the store”.
So germination is a very simple activity that will allow the children to see a life grow in front of their eyes every day, teaching them how to be a nurturer and helping them understand that we need to grow food and we need to protect what comes around with it, which is soil, water, sunlight. Thus, bringing a balance ecology. Through this we can also encouraged them with seed keeping because seed is the inception of any life.
Input: As quoted “Seeing is believing”, So practicing an activity creates a habit and an interest to understand the functioning of a system. In order to get children involve in protecting the environment we need to put a seed of good thought in their mind, considering they are the future generation and everything is in their hands.
Output: This is a fun activity and children will be eager to see the result which is everyday of their lives.
Outcome: Farming Knowledge will be incorporated with the children’s education.
Impact: Farming is a proud occupation and farmers are as important to us just as Doctors, Engineers, or Scientist are.
We need to teach our children the importance of a seed, how the seed grows from a small sampling to a huge plant or tree. We need to incorporate this teaching as a metaphor too in fact. The seed will take it’s time to nurture, but it will not grow on it’s own. It needs constant care and attention to help it grow to it to the fullest potential and bear fruits and with it more seed for the future generations.