In Chizami Nagaland, NEN works extensively for conserving the regions ecological balance and aiding sustainable growth particularly in agriculture. In continuation of our efforts, we collaborated with the Chizami Range Public Organization (CRPO) to conduct a workshop on Biodiversity Conservation for Sustainable Development.
Community leaders from the village of Mesulumi, Enhulumi, Thetsumi, Chizami, Sumi and Chizami Town were part of an intensive discussion and training led by Ms Nalini Mayak from SEWA Bharat. The workshop gave the participants opportunities to explore various sustainable alternatives to invasive and chemical-based agriculture while working to understand current trends and challenges through group discussions and presentations.
To ensure a need-based plan of development a participatory discussion was initiated on the kind of development the community desired. The responses were varied but had a resilient ecology at the core. These included subsistence farming at the individual level to ensure self-reliance, use of renewable energy to meet household energy requirements, chemical-free agriculture, efficient public transport that promotes convenience with minimum environmental damage, following a traditional lifestyle that believes in living with nature rather than off it.
This day-long engagement resulted in the charting and adoption of a multi-level approach of the following nature
Community leaders will uphold the resolution of the Chakhesang Public Organisation (CPO) and Chakhesang Youth front (CYF) in Biodiversity Conservation and strengthen their efforts at the village level.
The use of chemicals in any form on the land and water sources shall be banned and unsustainable land-use and fishing practices discouraged.
Plastic use shall be reduced and the use of paper, cloth bags and other eco-friendly materials to be encouraged.
The community will take measures in managing solid waste more sustainably.

While NEN ensures that we support the initiatives of our community every step of the way, we also recognize that they have come a long way in understanding the significance of sustainable living. Thus, together, we protect the hope for a better future.