The Green Hub Fellowship is a one-year residential program based in Tezpur, Assam, for youth across the northeast states of India and North Bengal which uses video as a tool to engage and empower youth in environment conservation, sustainable livelihoods, and social change. The fellowship is especially for youth from indigenous communities, economically disadvantaged backgrounds, and remote rural areas.
Every year, 20-25 young people are selected for the fellowship, during which they receive comprehensive training on technical aspects of filming, editing, and storytelling and dive into the themes of environment conservation, sustainable livelihoods, indigenous knowledge, climate action, and community well-being. The training is facilitated by eminent wildlife and environment filmmakers, conservationists, and practitioners from across the country. As part of the program, fellows are also provided with internship opportunities at organizations in the region and provided a basic stipend of INR 5000 during the internship period.
Apply here:
Deadline: 28th February 2024
*Fellowship starts in the first week of May 2024
For additional information, call: +91-9864952706 / 9612665791 / 7896739587/ 9101013429
Applications can also be emailed to: greenhubfellowship@gmail.
Learn more about Green Hub at
To get updates on Green Hub, follow us on- Facebook: https://www.