North East Network in Assam appeals to the Social Welfare Department for urgent response to Domestic Violence

North East Network has been working on the issue of domestic violence in Assam for the past 25 years. During this period we have been closely associated with the Social Welfare Department in addressing the issue jointly through collaborative programmes and interventions. In view of the COVID19 pandemic related closures and lockdown, increasing numbers of…

Changemaker Interview Series: Chapter 1

Dr. Monisha Behal The beacon of women’s movement in North East India Dr. Monisha Behal, a name that really needs no introduction is the soul and spirit behind North East Network (NEN), a women’s rights non-governmental organization that has been bringing women of North East India and their local issues into the national and global…

Paving Their Own Way

“Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision.” goes a Quote by Ayn Rand. In this inspiring story from Sarpara Gaon however we need to replace the word ‘Men’ by ‘Women’. The road that went through their village hardly justified the name. For decades the villagers…

পৰিৱৰ্তনৰ কথামালা (…stories of change)

নতুন পোহৰৰ সন্ধানত(in search of a new light) ৰীণা গগৈ বৰা, গোলাঘাটRina Gogoi Bora, Golaghat “অ আই গাড়ীত যাওঁতে সাৱধান হৈ যাবি। আজিকালি ভাল মানুহৰ মুখা পিন্ধি দগাবাজ, ঠগ-প্ৰৱঞ্চকো যায়। গতিকে সাৱধান। সহযাত্ৰীৰ লগত বেছি ঘনিষ্ঠ নহ’বি। মিটিঙত ভালকে কথাবোৰ শিকি-বুজি আহিবি।” — যোৱা জুন মাহত ঘৰৰপৰা গুৱাহাটীলৈ নৰ্থ ইষ্ট নেটৱৰ্কৰ (নেন) তিনিদিনীয়া প্ৰশিক্ষণলৈ ওলাই…