While all forms of Violence Against Women’s Groups are a matter of grave concern, domestic violence is far worse as it is perpetrated within the safety of homes by people who are related to women (intimate partners and/or relatives), who in turn are socialized to endure it in silence. In Meghalaya, available statistics such as…
Since 2016, NEN Meghalaya has been working in strengthening women’s groups in addressing gender-based violence in the state. Under the thematic area of GBDVAW, NEN Meghalaya has been collaborating with the Akhil Nepali Mahila Samhiti in addressing and redressing gender-based discrimination faced by the marginalised urban poor women in the Cantonment Area. Over the years,…
Young Artists render the pain of suffering abuse through Theatre “The transition from a victim of sexual violence to a survivor is a journey and the feeling never truly goes away” –Mary Therese Kurkalang, Artist North East Network Shillong, had the pleasure of hosting a powerful performance on the harrowing experience that victims of sexual…
International Youth Day 2019 at Chizami The youth have always been an integral part of NEN’s changemaking process as the future drivers of change. This year itself we have had major engagements with them through our gender sensitization programmes, the farm school that enabled urban youth to work towards sustainable agriculture and a puppeteering workshop…
Girls don’t need to be educated. Girls don’t play football or any ball for that matter- that is the domain of boys. Girls are an economic burden; they must be married off. Women walking on the road deserve to be catcalled, they asked for it. Young boys and girls from schools in Darrang and Udalguri…
How much work do women think they do compared to their male counterparts? Do they get paid or even recognized enough for that work? Such were the questions raised by the team among the community women or the ‘Seng Kynthei’ as they are called in Khasi Society. As part of the agenda of strengthening women’s…
With a vision to create and promote a gender just society, North East Network has been building the capacity of women leaders in several districts of Meghalaya on women’s human rights to social protection. This, in one way is paving a path to equality by empowering grassroots women leaders. Our earlier engagement with rural women’s…
The role of the police all over the world and in India, in particular, is becoming vastly bureaucratic and convoluted. The police department is at the forefront of the criminal justice system has the ability and power to change the current situation of crimes against women and children. With this thought in mind, North East…
Through the years, North East Network has been consistently building the capacities and knowledge of its partners and stakeholders, in this case government departments tasked with the implementation and effectiveness of laws that aim to safeguard women’s rights. Our engagement with the Police in Assam has revealed many gaps in reporting of cases of gender…
Marangi Junior College, Golaghat In acknowledgement of the vital role that educational institutions can play in achieving gender equality, NEN conducted a gender sensitization programme for the students of Marangi Junior College on the 17th of May in collaboration with the administration of the college through its Gramin Mahila Kendra at Doigrung. The workshop was…